12 de abril de 2024

Todo lo dicho aquí: un movimiento impulsado por la conexión

At Pocketalk, we believe language brings us together.  That’s why we launched All Spoken Here – a movement focused on equity, language inclusion, and connection.

Organizations and individuals proudly display virtual and IRL stickers and badges to encourage, and welcome, conversations in 84+ languages  But what does All Spoken Here mean?

A Chance for Change:  All Spoken Here

In January of this year, Pocketalk launched the All Spoken Here campaign – an answer to the recent questions surrounding “How do we make our workplace more inclusive?” Our answer? To be able to have a conversation, no matter the language spoken, and no matter where you are in the world. From businesses to classrooms, we are creating spaces where language is not an obstacle; it’s an invitation.

What does All Spoken Here mean? 

Our mission is to embrace language diversity by fostering a world where every voice is heard, and barriers are replaced with bridges of understanding through the transformative power of Pocketalk’s translation technology. Think of our All Spoken Here stickers and clings like handicap stickers outside of disability-friendly facilities: it allows peace of mind for those who move through the world differently than those that live with standard privileges society grants upon us. We aim to live in a world where languages no longer separate us, but unite us.


Making an Impact

Whether you are a teacher, like those at West Ada School District, an employee at the Philadelphia Airport, or a healthcare professional at Niagara County, there is room in every industry for language inclusivity. Showcasing badges, clings, and more alongside their Pocketalk devices promoting welcoming spaces has allowed these communities and organizations to connect deeper with one another.

Create Connection with Us

Interested in getting involved? Share your Pocketalk translation stories with us by emailing press@pocketalk.com, or using our #AllSpokenHere hashtag on social media. Your story could end up on our upcoming blogs!

Podemos amplificar todas las voces promoviendo la inclusión y adoptando un mundo donde todos los idiomas sean bienvenidos. Únase a nosotros para crear un mundo donde el idioma sea un puente, no una barrera: #AllSpokenHere.